viernes, 3 de abril de 2020

low and high intensity cardio workout

hy guys, before anything, thanks so much for joining today´s classroom. I really enjoyed with all of you
Hola, antes de nada daros las gracias por uniros a la clase de hoy. De verdad que me lo he pasado genial.

The key to get a good performance consists into one point: continuity. For this reason we try to keep doing exercises without stop and to do it three times a week, at least.
La clave para coger un buen rendimiento esta en un punto: continuidad. Por ello, intentamos hacer ejercicios sin paradas y hacerlos al menos tres veces a la semana.

After getting a minimum level, we can start increasing intensity
Tras coger un nivrl mínimo, podemos ir subiendo intensidad

I present you two cardio workouts: low and high intensity. If it is not enough for you, just repeat it as many times as you want.
Os paso dos rutinas de cardio: baja y alta intensidad. Si no es suficiente, tan sólo repetidlas las veces que queráis.

Low intensity (low impact) 10 minutes

High intensity (high impact) 25 minutes (on this case, you have to take consideration on your own rythm- aquí toma tu propio ritmo)

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