miércoles, 29 de abril de 2020

2nd eso - homework - traditional and popular games

Hi guys, we start a new unit: traditional and popular games.
What is this?
Resultado de imagen de JUEGOS TRADICIONALES

These games have been communicated from grandparents to parents and from parents to sons and daughters.
Apart from this, there is a main aspect to difference it with sports: the rules.
So in sports there are many and difficult rules but popular and traditional games have easier rules and the number of rules are less.
I’m sure you know and you have ever played these games, such as “escondite”, “tres en raya”, but there are other games typical from Castilla La Mancha and from the rest of Spain, such as “bolos Castellanos”, “la calva”, etc (possibly your parents or grandparents know them). Actually, we have already played popular games in our classes.
Your homework:
Yo have to do a video with one popular and traditional game, I recommend you to ask your parents and grandparents to help you with these tasks.
Anyway you can help with these links, but there are a big amount of them



Ítems for your calification:
-rules 3 points
-space required 2 points
-players 2 pints
-example of the game 3 points

Send the video to the same mail: peieshernan2@gmail.com

If you have any question, ask me

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