lunes, 4 de mayo de 2020

3rd ESO homework - POSTURAL CHECK

Hi guys, we continue on this time with POSTURAL CHECK.
Cómo calmar por completo el dolor de espalda en 7 minutos | Bioguia
What do you have to do?

  1. Firstly, you will have to READ and UNDERSTAND the following notes about POSTURAL ALTERATIONS (in spanish)

2. Then, you will have to CHECK YOUR POSTURE by using the POSTURAL CHECK SHEET.

3. Fill up the postural check sheet (IN ENGLISH)

4. Send it to ""

How to CALIFY? There are 4 tasks (front view, back view, lateral view and tread) with 2,5 points per task.

If you have any questions, ask me . If you need an online explanation classroom, i will create a zoom classroom so all the students of 3rd ESO can ask me.
Hugs and kisses for all.

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