martes, 24 de diciembre de 2019

2nd ESO - table tennis

During this term, we will practice table tennis. So i recommend you to get your own paddle (ask to a cousin, a neighbour, ..., it is not obligatory to buy it)

I post you an amazing match. Click on the image

Resultado de imagen de ping pong

3rd ESO healthy habits - What do i eat?

To eat correctly is really important for our health. 

I will show you an APP to download it:  Yuka

If you want to see an explanation of the app, click on the carrot image

Resultado de imagen de app yuka

You only have to pass the barcode to the product and you will have information about its nutrients

At home, you will have to use this app to take the information of the food that you have at home: milk, biscuits, cheese, marmalade, juices, bread, coke, ....

Evidently, it is necessary that the product has BARCODE

HOMEWORK (2 exercises)

1) Pass the barcode to 10 food products of your home and write a small resume of each one

- Brand
- if the product is healthy or not
- why it is or not healthy

2) Choose 4 UNHEALTHY products from your list, and LOOK FOR HEALTHIER PRODUCTS from the list that the app shows you

4th ESO - rope items choreography

Hi guys, I write the items to prepare your rope choreography

I will also post on the blog an example to give you ideas

Time  (3 to 6 minutes)                   1
Participation of all the members   1
Individual rope exercises              2
Pairs rope exercises                       2
Big rope exercises                         2
Group coordination                       1 
Difficulty                                       1


RECOMMENDATION: As you can see, difficulty is one point over ten. I recommend you to create an EASY CHOREO!!

Resultado de imagen de salto de comba

TSEAS - Reglamento Padel y Tenis de Mesa

Buenas tardes, os envío ambos reglamentos para que vayáis echando un ojo

Os recomiendo igualmente que le echéis un ojo a algún partido

Dejo algún ejemplo

Resultado de imagen de padel

Resultado de imagen de tenis de mesa

lunes, 23 de diciembre de 2019


Once we have finished our first term and after our delightfull ice skating day, we have to rest and recover energy for the rest of the year

Try to do some exercise and don´t abuse of food


lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2019

4th ESO - core training example

We have learned how important is the core training for our health

I post a very good example, but you can try others typesof training searching through this blog and changing the part of the body, the intensity, ...

Click on the image to start your training!

Unfortunately, it is in spanish

4th ESO - Rope coreography

This term we will practise rope and body expression
Click on the image to watch an amazing rope coreography
Remember that you and your group will have to prepare your own coreography

Resultado de imagen de salto a la comba

domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2019

4th ESO - back to work

BAck to work with 2nd term. We will practise the following conts;
- Nutrition
- Judo
- Rope dancing 
- Training planning

Answer these questions in a piece of paper:
- Write 2 good feeding aspects for your health
- What do you normally have for breakfast? Do you think it is healthy enough?

3rd ESO - homework

we come back to work with the following conts for the 2nd term:
- Healthy habits
- sport competitions
- juggling

Answer the following questions, in a piece of paper:
- Write two habits to get a good health
- Write two bad aspects for your health

2nd ESO - Back to the work, 2nd term

We come back to work with the following conts:
- Strenght
- Sevillanas
- table tennis


In a small piece of paper, answer these questions:
- How many points do you need to win a game in table tennis?
- How many games do you need to win a match?